Saturday, February 23, 2008

Toilet Paper

The other day we were have some plumbing problems, again, due to excess paper. I believe that my kids thought that they needed to completely wrap their hand and arm prior to wiping. When I was told that there was a problem again I was a little frustrated. I called all of them together and in not so calm a manner told them that they needed to save the paper, the plumbing and my sanity. I took a lesson from my sister Shannon and told them that all they needed was 4 squares. I was feeling confident that my message would be ignored but I was hoping for at least a little awareness.

Well it was just a couple of hours later when Adam comes out of the bathroom looks right in my eyes and was so proud to announce "Dad, I listened to you and I only used 1 sheet" Paige and I looked at each other and started laughing. We asked him if he also washed his hands. He was so proud that he listened to me and was trying to do better. You never know what you kids are going to listen to.

1 comment:

*katie said...

Oh I am so not looking forward to this stage. I'm pretty succesful right now at keeping my boys out of the bathroom, but I know it is only a matter of time until they learn to open doors...and unroll lots and lots of t.p.....